The favor of Fortune – a thing unpredictable. When the chance, this has implications on all aspects, and things are going well, and life becomes more fun. And for that it is not hijacked, you can even make the mascot of luck, that will work in the right direction. Exactly how it is created and how to attract good luck and prosperity, we learn by the result.
Charms and amulets on luck, what are the objects that can provide the energy of the impact around the owner of the space, drawing to himself the goods that are indispensable. These magical "things" can not only participate in his master wealth, love, luck in business, at work or at school, but also to protect it against the attempts of the negative impact of the outside (the corruption, the evil eye).

Where to start and what to take into account?
Of course, these items can be easily purchased in the souvenir shop, the esoteric store, or order on the individual photograph of the amulet (mascot or the guardian is a healer or a magician, the providers of services. Although they are able to speak of the magical artifact to attract specific flow of energy, make the most magical of trifle at home. It is believed that you have created with their own hands the amulet has the ability to emit a lot more of magical force, one of your articles. Therefore, those who reflects on the pursuit of well-being, we will explain how to make an amulet of the luck yourself.
Before you begin the magical creation of the object, it is necessary to determine its purpose – to attract the non-specific property will be used for its energy. In addition, you can refer to the story, and make an amulet or talisman, which would correspond to the traditions of family, faith, or nationality (for example, slave symbol rune, the star with five branches of oriental cultures, a chinese character, etc).
An important role in the manufacture of objects of mystical plays, and used during the raw materials. Thus, by choosing the appropriate option, what is the amulet of luck, you can do for yourself, you must take into account three fundamental criteria:
• The type of impact. • The materials used. • Aggregorial membership.Another important point are properly chosen on the day and time of manufacturing and mystical stuff. It is preferable to perform the magical procedure (activate, talk), when the moon will be in its phase of growth. This period is considered optimal to create amulets on luck or talismans to specific objectives: the pursuit of wealth, love, money, luck at work and school, etc Regardless of the option chosen for itself obtained by transformation of the amulet of luck (slavic, muslim, chinese, or other), it is recommended that you do so in the light of the candles. Therefore, the magical ritual of the creation of the wizard is worth to spend the evening or night.
It is desirable to know what day of the week is considered a success for the ceremonies of manufacturing the mystical aid. You must first decide what will be the type and nature of the effects of the amulet, as the day of the week for animals manufacture of the object depending on its destination:
- On Monday, it is not desirable, taken to the creation of gadgets magic, because this day is considered to be non-responsible energy production.
- Business people, eager to attract the chance, can make talismans of luck in the business of Tuesday. Suitable to this day and to those who want to succeed at work or to achieve an improvement in the career.
- On Wednesday, it is desirable to manufacture talismans, good luck to those who are involved in the field of trade.
- Thursday – the most appropriate day for making amulets on the chance focus on the diplomatic of the life of the owner. Also Thursday, suitable for the manufacture of attract good luck in the studies of talismans and amulets.
- To arrange the private life and try their luck at love, at hand, it is best to create amulets on Friday.
- Eager to attract good luck in every field of its activities may be taken for the performance of the mystical objects on the Saturday.
- Sunday – the best time to create a variety of gadgets on the success and the chance to implement in the policy.
Where are defined the days for the manufacture and the type of magic product, you can move to the final stage. For that is the amulet for luck, his hands, was necessary to an owner of property (money and wealth, love, success in business, luck in work, etc), the most important is the inner spirit. Naturally, this desire to more effectively "work" on the specific attraction of the energy flow.
Therefore, the need to pass this magical ability of an object to that it helps to achieve the desired in the shortest possible time. Therefore, before taking the creation of some mystical stuff to attract good luck (five-pointed star, rune of the designation, the amulet in the style of the Kabbalah, etc), you will need to adjust positive of "the wave" and think of the favor of Fortune in the goal-specific.

The most popular
The most popular of charms to attract good luck decorative are considered as blades and the star of the Pentacle. How you can do it yourself, read on.
Brooms, magical wizards, which is good to protect the house against evil, and the harmful effects from the outside, attract good luck and the chance for every member of the family. Therefore, it is not only amulets, but still and charms on the chance. It is possible to manufacture them himself at home. The main thing – in advance to choose the day and prepare everything necessary for the ritual materials.
Complex in the creation of these objects to attract good luck. For slave whipping became an assistant to be effective in achieving the desired goal, it is necessary to the manufacture of only natural materials. As shown in the images, to make such a talisman will need:
- The stems of the grains of the basic crafts;
- Red wool tie wire;
- The dried flowers, a clove of garlic, grains, peas, corn, beans, coins – for the decor.
The house snuck in the evil, as well as the wealth has become more and more in it, slavic traditional whisk to prepare better and to talk to you on the chance, Saturday during the crescent moon. As a decoration in the selected products. Each symbolizes an aspect of the life of man, that he needs the help of Fortune:
- Cereals, beans, peas, symbols of prosperity, harmony and peace in the family;
- The coins attract different types of wealth in the house;
- The dried flowers are used to enhance the magic ability of the wizard.
First created a base of popular type slave broom. Then he set out the elements of the decor. When it will be ready amulet of luck and money, well-being and protection, it is suitable to speak. Magic words to activate the product, so that it is in assistance to the master of the house: "Now it is my mascot! Let me the luck, the wealth, all sorts of benefits that will bring, and the bad weather and the troubles are far from navel!"
Then a little bit of time keep it in the hands of this amulet, designed to attract luck and prosperity. After this, the product is ready to use.
The star of the Pentacle, seen in the photo, is a part of the western magical heritage. This pentagram, one of the most ancient symbols used for the protection of its owner and to attract to himself the chance.
Star as a decorative slave broom can be home made from salvaged materials. Because this magic wizard has to feed the people of the treaty, to do his best in the environment. For the ritual will need:
- The cutting of green circle or color the cardboard is drawn a star;
- The marker of black color;
- Candle of green wax.
Light a candle and the light draw the pentagram in the shape of a star. Take a cardboard box, on which was a five-pointed star, and look, in trying to fulfil its own energy. Now, the amulet is loaded and ready to use.
Star, like any other amulet of luck (money, wealth, etc), can be stored in a purse or in the pocket of a shirt. The main condition of their effectiveness – the contact with the owner.